Wednesday 6 June 2018

Our Change Inquiry

We began our inquiry on Change this week by noticing and observing to record the changes made when you put coloured lollies on a plate with water.  We used Kool Fruits because they were bigger but the changes were slow and had varying degrees of success.
So, we used Skittles and this happened ...

Indonesian Celebration

We were so lucky to learn some new things about Indonesia yesterday.  There are so many people that you don't have any space between you and you need to cue up for ages to use the toilet.  We even held a 100,000 rupiah note and made lots of dreams of what we could do with it.  As it turns out, not much in New Zealand but if we had it in Jakarta we could buy lots of things.

Thank you so much Andrea and Yusmiati for sharing and teaching us today.